One Red Martian on One Red Martian


Did You See the Video? Anyone? Have You Heard About This?

Okay so whats new this week for the Martians? We’ve basically been trying to get everything done and semi-organized by January 11th when “Spit My Brain” drops, not as easy as it sounds although you have to consider our musicians handicap with productive activity:) We should hopefully have some kind of website in place by then but we’ll know more on that in the next couple weeks.  It was really cool the positive response we got from everyone on our new single “Sly Dreamer.” If you haven’t heard it listen HERE. Also very cool that everyone checked out the video we did for it, watch it HERE, not too bad for our first foray into the world of video and more is too come.  We’re pretty sure on the next song we’ll release, when-ever that might be, and we’re going to start thinking about some ideas for a video. Anyway just saying we were thinking about you and we got you a little something, don’t freak out it’s no big deal.

More Music Soon


One Red Martian

New Music Finally

After the debacle that was getting our album cover we finally found a good graphic designer and are moving forward with Disk Makers to get “Spit My Brain” into production. Also as you can see if you’ve checked our twitter or facebook we just put out “Sly Dreamer” the first single of the album. (link at the bottom) Some of you might recall we mentioned a video as well and it is still being cut together. There was some cool new footage from the excellent show we got to play with Jeremy Merger and the Megalomaniacs and after spending 2 hours trying to edit the video with imovie we finally just had to find a version of Final Cut Pro, sorry mac you’re still pretty cool… anyway we should have that done in the next couple days so keep your face windows open. It seems like some of the pieces are finally starting to fall together here and at the very least we have some music we’re really excited about getting out to you guys, another song next week and one more the week after that.  Also putting some time into getting this blog up as well as bouncing around some ideas for the website which is kind of exciting since with someone else doing it for the first time it might rise above the level of banal mediocrity that we’ve been able to muster in the past.  That’s really about it here uh, listen to lots of ORM uh, check out our videos, oh and uh please no hording of the Martian, break a piece off for your friends, its tasty.

One Red Martian